Nissan Sunny with a big Peace Sign on the Bonnet

I found this ’90 Nissan Sunny B12 Coupe, resting on the roof of a Seat Marbella, on a junkyard in Landau/Pfalz, Germany, in October 2009.

Featuring a big peace sign painted on the bonnet and several smileys painted over the vehicle, I assume the last owner was certain about the final resting place of his vehicle, and didn’t bother much about maintaining it. I guess the car was owned by a young student or high school student.

2009 was the year of the Umweltprämie, the 2007 German equivalent of cash-for-clunkers. This Sunny likely felt victim to this incentive.

Based on the condition of the body, this was probably not the worst decision. Most of the interior was missing, uncovering the advanced stages of corrosion on essential body parts.

A glance under the bonnet revealed the GA16i type engine, a 1.6L 12V engine with electronic single-point fuel injection, indicating that this is a facelift model, which must have left Japan in 1989 or 1990.

A lot of small parts were missing: the side moldings, the fuel door, large parts of the interior. Even the air filter box was missing. Did the last owner strip all non-essential parts before handing over the keys? Since all essential driving components were still connected, It is likely that it made its last few km on its own power.

The interior features bright yellow repainted interior parts that were extremely popular in the early 2000s. The worn-out steering wheel seems to be from the N14/B13 series.

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